Thursday, July 7, 2011

Teeth Whitening Dentist Wisconsin

Tooth Whitening Methods
What You Need to Know About Tooth Whitening

With a variety of tooth whitening methods available, whitening your teeth has never been more accessible. Are you dreaming of a white smile? Before considering whitening your teeth, book an appointment for a check-up and cleaning with your dentist. Surface stains will need to be removed before whitening to achieve optimum results. Your dentist will then determine if you are a candidate for tooth whitening.

How Are Teeth Whitened?

Enamel, the first layer of tooth surface, is actually semi-translucent, or clear. The layer underneath the enamel, known as dentin, is typically yellow, but may be gray, brown or black. This hue is what is seen penetrating through the enamel. In order to whiten the dentin, a peroxide solution is placed on the enamel. This process opens the pores of the enamel, allowing the solution to reach the layer of dentin. The solution will then begin to lighten the dentin, resulting in the appearance of whiter teeth.

Several brands of tooth-whitening products are on the market that all promise one thing -- noticeable results. Professional in-office whitening, professional take-home whitening and over-the-counter whitening products remain the most common ways to whiten your teeth.

It is important to have realistic expectations when evaluating your final results; it may take several treatments to achieve a whiter smile. Whitening results may not be permanent, as your teeth will naturally pick up stain from foods or beverages or from tobacco use. Remember to brush and floss daily, and visit your dentist for regular cleanings and examinations. Tooth whitening results will vary from person to person, so chose an option that will suit your specific need and budget.

Above article from

Quirt Family Dentistry
200 East Bridge St., Suite 100
Wausau, WI 54403
(715) 843-9800 2812 East Main St.

Our other convenient locations:
Merrill, WI 54452
3417 Schofield Avenue
Schofield, WI 54476
107 S. 3rd Ave.
Edgar, WI 54426
1819 Park Avenue
Plover, WI 54467

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Dental Care Wisconsin

Top 10 Reasons to Have a Dental Cleaning
Good oral hygiene is important, not only for looks, but for general health as well. Poor oral hygiene can lead to a variety of dental and medical problems such as gum disease, infection, bone loss, heart disease, strokes and more. Regular check ups and cleanings can prevent these problems as well as provide you with good oral hygiene.

1. To Prevent Oral Cancer
According to The Oral Cancer Foundation, someone dies from oral cancer, every hour of every day in the United States alone. When you have your dental cleaning, your dentist is also screening you for oral cancer, which is highly curable if diagnosed early.
2. To Prevent Gum Disease
Gum disease is an infection in the gum tissues and bone that keep your teeth in place and is one of the leading causes of adult tooth loss. If diagnosed early, it can be treated and reversed. If treatment is not received, a more serious and advanced stage of gum disease may follow. Regular dental cleanings and check ups, flossing daily and brushing twice a day are key factors in preventing gum disease.
3. To Help Maintain Good Physical Health
Recent studies have linked heart attacks and strokes to gum disease, resulting from poor oral hygiene. A dental cleaning every 6 months helps to keep your teeth and gums healthy and could possibly reduce your risk of heart disease and strokes.
4. To Keep Your Teeth
Since gum disease is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults, regular dental check ups and cleanings,brushing and flossing are vital to keeping as many teeth as you can. Keeping your teeth means better chewing function and ultimately, better health.
5. To Detect Dental Problems Early
Your dentist and hygienist will be able to detect any early signs of problems with your teeth or gums. Early detection of cavities, broken fillings and gum disease are easily treatable. If these problems go untreated, root canals, gum surgery and removal of teeth could become the only treatment options available.
6. To Maintain Good Oral Health
Your dental hygienist will help to ensure that you are maintaining your good oral health by visual examination and comparing your previous dental check ups. If you are falling off track with your oral hygiene he / she will help put you back on the right path.
7. To Use Your Dental Insurance Plan
Dental insurance plans usually pay for all or most of the cost of dental cleanings and check ups every six months. Take advantage of this and save a lot of money in the long run by avoiding costly dental procedures that can result from poor oral hygiene.
8. To Create a Treatment Plan
If your dentist diagnoses any problems in your mouth, he /she will most likely give you a treatment plan. This treatment plan should have the cost of each procedure that you will need, so that you can discuss financial arrangements with the front office.
9. To Have a Bright and White Smile
Your dental hygienist can remove most tobacco, coffee and tea stains. During your cleaning, your hygienist will also polish your teeth to a beautiful shine. The result? A whiter and brighter smile!
10. To Prevent Bad Breath
Dental studies show that about 85 percent of people with persistent bad breath, also known as halitosis have a dental problem that is to blame. Good oral hygiene is essential in preventing bad breath. Regular check ups and cleanings are the best way to make sure that you are maintaining good oral hygiene.

Above article from

Quirt Family Dentistry
200 East Bridge St., Suite 100
Wausau, WI 54403
(715) 843-9800 2812 East Main St.

Our other convenient locations:
Merrill, WI 54452
3417 Schofield Avenue
Schofield, WI 54476
107 S. 3rd Ave.
Edgar, WI 54426
1819 Park Avenue
Plover, WI 54467

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Root Canal Treatment Wisconsin

Root Canal Therapy
Root canal therapy is considered to be one of the most feared dental procedures - but it doesn't have to be. Begin your journey by learning about why root canal therapy is preformed, then explore exactly how the procedure is preformed from start to finish.

What is a Root Canal?
The space inside the tooth from the center, known as the pulp chamber, that travels down the length of the root to the tip (or apex) is called a "canal," or more specifically, a root canal. Human teeth may have one to four root canals, depending on the anatomy of the tooth. Molars, may have 2 to 4 canals, premolars may have 1 to 2 canals, cuspids may have 1 to 2 canals, and finally incisors generally have 1 canal. Extra canals may branch out from the main canal, called "accessory canals." The number of canals and the anatomy can vary among teeth.

Common Reasons for Root Canals
The tiny canals contain the pulp of the tooth also commonly referred to as the nerve, which originates from the pulp chamber. Any trauma or infection of the nerve will result in the need for root canal therapy. Common reasons for root canal therapy include:

  • Tooth decay invades the tooth, penetrating through the enamel and then the dentin in to the pulp.
  • A tooth has become abscessed -- also known as infected -- from decay.
  • Trauma, such as a chipped or broken tooth, occurs and results in the exposure of the nerve.
  • A tooth is slowly dying, due to aging or past trauma that did not result in the need for treatment at the time of injury.
Above article from

Quirt Family Dentistry
200 East Bridge St., Suite 100
Wausau, WI 54403
(715) 843-9800 2812 East Main St.

Our other convenient locations:
Merrill, WI 54452
3417 Schofield Avenue
Schofield, WI 54476
107 S. 3rd Ave.
Edgar, WI 54426
1819 Park Avenue
Plover, WI 54467